Model selection

STA 199


  • this ae is due for grade. Push your completed ae to GitHub within 48 hours to receive credit
  • homework 03 due next Wednesday
  • final project instructions

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By the end of today you will…

  • select between linear models with different numbers of predictors

Load packages and data



The problem with \(R^2\)

\(R^2\) tell us the proportion of variability in the data our model explains. If we add predictors to our model, we will always improve \(R^2\) (regardless of whether the predictor is good or not).

To see this…

  • offline example

  • take away: a line can go through any two points, a plane can go through any three points, etc. In general an \(n\) dimensional object can go through \(n\) points.

For this reason, \(R^2\) is not a good way to select between two models that have a different number of predictors. Instead, we prefer to use Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).


\[ \text{AIC} = 2k - 2 \log (\text{likelihood}) \]

where \(k\) is the number of estimated parameters (\(\beta\)s) in the model. Notice this will be 1 + the number of predictors. and \(\hat{L}\) is “likelihood” of the data given the fitted model.

The likelihood is a measure of how well a given model fits the data. Specifically, higher likelihoods imply better fits. Since the AIC score has a negative in front of the log likelihood, lower scores are better fits. However, \(k\) penalizes adding new predictors to the model.

Take-away: lower AIC is better fit.

You can find AIC using glance(fitted-model). (Assuming you named your fitted model fitted-model)

Building a model

Scenario: you have an outcome \(y\) you want to predict. You have several variables you’ve measured that you could use as predictors in your linear model. Each predictor is expensive to collect future measurements of. You want your model to only include the most useful predictors.

Backward elimination

Backward elimination starts with the full model (the model that includes all potential predictor variables). Variables are eliminated one-at-a-time from the model until we cannot improve the model any further.1


  1. Start with a model that has all predictors under study and compute the AIC.
  2. Next fit every possible model with 1 less predictor.
  3. Compare AIC scores to select the best model with 1 less predictor.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you can no longer improve the model.

Forward selection

Forward selection is the reverse of the backward elimination technique. Instead, of eliminating variables one-at-a-time, we add variables one-at-a-time until we cannot find any variables that improve the model any further.


  1. Start with a model that has no predictors.
  2. Next fit every possible model with 1 additional predictor and score each model.
  3. Compare AIC scores to select the best model with 1 additional predictor.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you can no longer improve the model.



  • Will forward selection and backward elimination always yield the same model? Type your answer below before running any code.

  • Next, see if you are right using the data set below.

Solution below

test_df = read_csv("")

In the following two examples, we will use stepwise selection to build a main effects model.

Perform 1 step of forward selection. What variable will be in the final forward selection model?

linear_reg() %>%
  set_engine("lm") %>%
  fit(y ~ x1, data = test_df) %>%
  glance() %>%
[1] 93.08637
linear_reg() %>%
  set_engine("lm") %>%
  fit(y ~ x2, data = test_df) %>%
  glance() %>%
[1] 131.8917
linear_reg() %>%
  set_engine("lm") %>%
  fit(y ~ x3, data = test_df) %>%
  glance() %>%
[1] 152.9043

Next, perform 1 step of backward elimination. Which variable will not be in the final backward elimination model?

linear_reg() %>%
  set_engine("lm") %>%
  fit(y ~ x2 + x3, data = test_df) %>%
  glance() %>%
[1] 35.25949
linear_reg() %>%
  set_engine("lm") %>%
  fit(y ~ x1 + x3, data = test_df) %>%
  glance() %>%
[1] 94.2536
linear_reg() %>%
  set_engine("lm") %>%
  fit(y ~ x1 + x2, data = test_df) %>%
  glance() %>%
[1] 87.1686


  1. see Introduction to Modern Statistics for further reference.↩︎