Dr. Alexander Fisher
Duke University
January 13, 2023
Data science turns data into knowledge.
No programming experience required.
By the end of this course you will be able to…
Category | Percentage |
Homework | 30% |
Labs | 15% |
Project | 15% |
Exam 01 | 18% |
Exam 02 | 18% |
Application Exercises | 4% |
Uphold the Duke Community Standard:
I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and
I will act if the Standard is compromised.
Any violations in academic honesty standards as outlined in the Duke Community Standard and those specific to this course will automatically result in a 0 for the assignment and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct for further action.
The final project and several labs will be completed in teams. All group members are expected to participate equally. Commit history may be used to give individual team members different grades. Your grade may differ from the rest of your group.
Homeworks and labs can be turned in within 72 hours of the deadline for grade penalty (5% off per day).
Exams and the final project cannot be turned in late and can only be excused under exceptional circumstances.
The Duke policy for illness requires a short-term illness report or a letter from the Dean; except in emergencies, all other absenteeism must be approved in advance (e.g., an athlete who must miss class may be excused by prior arrangement for specific days). For emergencies, email notification is needed at the first reasonable time.
All exemptions will be handled by course coordinator, Ed Tam, at sta199@duke.edu
Last minute coding/rendering issues will not be granted extensions.
If you have questions about homework/lab exercises, debugging, or any question about course materials
When you need help debugging, it is essential you provide a reproducible example of the code that caused the error. Screenshots, or pasting a short snippet of the offending code is helpful!
The teaching team will not debug via email.
When you miss a class:
repo here.